Warlock API  v1
Yodiwo.API.Warlock Namespace Reference



class  ActiveNodeDescriptor
class  AddConfiguredRestService
class  AddFriendReq
class  AddNewLinkedUserReq
class  AddNotificationReq
class  AddPortRule
class  AddResourceDescriptorRequest
class  AddRestServiceReq
class  AddSocialAccount
class  AddThingIntoGroupsReq
class  AddThingReq
class  AddThingsIntoGroupReq
class  AddUserSchedule
class  ApiKeyDescriptor
class  ApiKeyRsp
class  AssemblyHook
class  AssignSipAccount
class  BanUnBanUserReq
 ban/unban a user (requires WriteAdmin privileges) More...
class  BinaryResourceDescriptorHelper
class  BinaryResourceDescRsp
class  BlockActionReq
class  BlockPresenceReq
class  BookmarkableLoadRoute
class  BRDUploadReq
class  ChangeAccountLevel
 change user's account level; requires WriteAdmin privilege level More...
class  ChangeDebugLevelReq
class  ChangeGraphThrottlingLevelReq
 change user's graph throttling level; requires WriteAdmin privilege level More...
class  ChangePrivilegeLevel
 change user's privilege level; requires WriteAdmin privilege level More...
class  ChangeSmtpPasswordRequest
 change global smtp password (requires special privileges) More...
class  ClearQuotaFlags
 clear quota flags that are changeable; values of non-changeable flags are ignored; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges More...
class  ClearRestServicesReq
 clear all services from a user (requires WriteAdmin privileges) More...
class  ConfiguredRestServiceDescriptor
class  ConfiguredRestServiceRsp
class  ConfigureUserMetadataReq
class  ConfigureUserTimezoneReq
class  ConstantDescriptor
class  ConstantDescriptorHelper
class  CreateApiKeyReqForOAuth
class  CreateApiKeyRsp
class  CreateGmailAccountReq
class  CreateGraphRsp
class  CreateGroupRsp
class  CreateNewGroup
class  CreateNotificationUserReq
class  CreateSnapshotReq
class  CreateUserApiKeyInfo
class  CreateValueTriggerGraphEvent
class  CreateWatchdogGraphEvent
class  DashboardGraphsResponse
class  DatabaseActionReq
class  DatabaseInfo
class  DatabaseInfoDescriptor
class  DatabaseInfoDescriptorCommon
class  DatabaseMultiActionReq
class  DatabaseMultiActionRsp
class  DatabaseUserInfoDescriptor
class  DeleteDescriptorRequest
class  DeleteFriendReq
class  DeleteNotificationUserReq
class  DeleteThingGroupReq
class  DeleteUploadedFileReq
class  DeleteUserReq
 delete a user (requires WriteAdmin privileges) More...
class  DeployedGraphRevRsp
class  DeployResponse
class  DescriptorsQueryReq
class  DocumentationWrlkDescriptor
class  EjectUserReq
 eject a user (requires WriteAdmin privileges) More...
class  EmailRequest
class  EnableDisableApiKey
class  EnumerateSaveandDeployedGraphsReq
 get the number of saved and deployed graphs More...
class  EventDateTime
class  EvGraphsUndeployedDueToGroupRemoval
class  EvGraphsUndeployedDueToThingRemoval
class  EvNewBackendNotification
class  EvNewFrontendNotification
class  EvNewNotification
class  EvSampleGraphsRemoved
class  EvThingCommon
class  EvThingConfigUpdated
class  EvThingNameUpdated
class  EvThingShared
class  EvThingSharePending
class  EvThingUnshared
class  ExternalServiceBlockAddOrUpdate
class  ExternalServiceBlockDelete
class  ExternalServiceBlockKeyListing
class  ExternalServiceBlockListingResp
class  FileDescriptor
class  GcmMsg
 Gcm message encapsulation class. More...
class  GenerateGraphFromSwaggerAPI
 get swagger api definition from url or json file and generate a graph with some initial api implementation More...
class  GenericRsp
 General Response to request-type messages. Used to unblock requests waiting for responses that are of basic ACKnowledge type More...
class  GenericValue
class  GenericValueST
class  GetAllApiKeysReq
class  GetAllConfiguredRestServicesReq
class  GetAllImagesReq
 get all uploaded images More...
class  GetAllNotificationsReq
class  GetAllPortKeys
class  GetAllPortKeysRsp
class  GetAllPorts
class  GetAllPortsRsp
class  GetAllRestServicesReq
class  GetAllUserDescriptorsReq
 get all available users, either online or offline; requires ReadAdmin privilege level More...
class  GetAllUserDescriptorsRsp
class  GetBinaryResourceDesciptorsRequest
class  GetBlockDescriptorforBlockType
 get block descriptor for a blocktype More...
class  GetBlockDescriptorforGroupReq
class  GetBlockDescriptorforThingReq
class  GetBlockDescriptorRsp
class  GetBlockPresenceInGraphsReq
class  GetDatabaseInstancesReq
 get all available database descriptors of a database user More...
class  GetDatabasesInfoReq
 get all available user's database descriptors More...
class  GetDatabasesInfoRsp
class  GetDatabasesUsersInfoReq
 get all available databases' user descriptors More...
class  GetDatabasesUsersInfoRsp
class  GetDatabaseUsersInstancesReq
 get all available user descriptors of a database More...
class  GetFirstAuthUrlReq
class  GetFirstAuthUrlRsp
class  GetFriendsReq
class  GetFriendsRsp
 response to GetFriendsReq More...
class  GetImageReq
class  GetLinkedUserDescriptors
class  GetLinkedUsersReq
class  GetMacroBlockDescriptorReq
class  GetMacroBlockIOsInfoReq
class  GetNewGroupsForThingReq
class  GetNewThingsForGroupReq
class  GetNodeDescriptorsReq
class  GetNotificationsRsp
class  GetNotificationUsersReq
class  GetNotificationUsersRsp
class  GetPortReq
class  GetPortResp
class  GetPortRulesRsp
class  GetRestServiceDescriptorFromSwaggerAPIReq
 Get rest service descriptor from swagger api definition. The request can contain an url or json More...
class  GetRestServiceDescriptorFromSwaggerAPIRsp
class  GetRichTextDescriptorReq
class  GetRichTextDescriptorRsp
class  GetSharedThingsReq
class  GetSharedThingsRsp
class  GetSocialAccountsReq
 get user's social accounts descriptors(i.e facebook, hangouts, gmail More...
class  GetThingGraphsInfoReq
 Graph info (GraphWrlkDescriptor ) about deployed graphs that this Thing is assigned to. More...
class  GetThingGraphsInfoRsp
class  GetThingGroupReq
class  GetThingKeyReq
class  GetThingKeyRsp
class  GetThingsReq
 Get user things. More...
class  GetThingsRsp
 Get Things response as a dictionary of node keys to lists of Things More...
class  GetThingTypesReq
class  GetThingTypesRsp
class  GetToolboxModelViewReq
 get toolbox modelview More...
class  GetToolboxModelViewRsp
class  GetUpdatedUserDescRsp
class  GetUserDescriptorReq
class  GetUserDescriptorRsp
class  GetUserIdReq
 get id from a user (requires ReadAdmin privileges) More...
class  GetUserInfoRsp
 response to a GetUserInfoReq More...
class  GetUserMessagesReq
 get user messages; More...
class  GetUserMessagesRsp
class  GetUserQuotaReq
 get quota for user; if target user different than asking user, it requires QuotaAdmin privilege level and upwards More...
class  GetUserQuotaRsp
class  GetUserSchedule
class  GetUserSchedules
class  GetUserTokensReq
class  GetUserTokensRsp
 response to a GetUserTokensReq More...
class  GrafanaSnapshotCreateResponse
class  GraphActionReq
class  GraphActionRsp
class  GraphActionsReq
class  GraphActionUpdateReq
class  GraphDescriptorAndGroupNotificationInfo
class  GraphDescriptorAndThingNotificationInfo
class  GraphDescriptorNotificationInfo
class  GraphSharedNotificationInfo
class  GraphWrlkDescriptor
class  GroupDescriptor
class  GroupsRsp
class  LinkApiKeytoNode
class  LinkedUserDescriptor
class  LiveExecutionAddListeners
class  LiveExecutionEvent
class  LiveExecutionRemoveListeners
class  LiveKeysAddMsg
class  LiveKeysDelMsg
class  LiveValue
class  LiveValuesMsg
class  LoadFilesReq
class  LoadFilesResp
class  LoadGraphByFriendlyName
class  LoadGraphsReq
class  LoadGraphsResp
class  MacroBlockIOInfo
class  MacroBlockIOsInfo
class  MqttMsg
 Mqtt message encapsulation class. More...
class  MultiGraphActionRsp
class  MultipleThingActionReq
class  MultipleThingActionRsp
class  MyHackingRsp
 Just for Demo purposes (creating on-the-fly scenarios via node) More...
class  NodeCreateReq
 Add node More...
class  NodeCreateRsp
class  NodeDescriptor
class  NodeDescriptorsRsp
class  NodeDisableReq
class  NodeEnableReq
class  NodeInfoModelDescriptor
class  NodeInfoNotificationInfo
class  NodePairingCompetionRsp
class  NodePairingCompleteReq
 complete pairing procedure More...
class  NodePairingModelView
class  NodePairingRecoverNodesReq
 recover an already paired node More...
class  NodePairingRecoverRsp
class  NodeStatusRsp
class  NodeUpdateReq
class  NotificationDescriptor
struct  NotificationDescriptorKey
 Globally unique identifier of a NotificationDescriptor More...
class  NotificationDescriptorKeyConverter
class  NotificationDescriptorRelatedObject
class  NotificationMarkAllAsRead
class  NotificationMarkAsRead
class  NotificationofDeployedGraph
class  NotificationUserDescriptor
class  OAuth
 auxiliary class for OAuth stuff More...
class  OAuthClientInfo
class  OAuthGetTokenResponse
class  OAuthRestParameters
class  PackagesReq
class  ParkUserReq
 remove a user from memory (requires WriteAdmin privileges) More...
class  PortConfigurationReq
class  PortDescriptor
class  PortInformation
struct  PortRule
class  QuotaDescriptor
class  QuotaNotificationInfo
class  RecoveredNodesModelView
class  RegisterUserKeyReq
class  RegisterUserKeyRsp
class  RemoveApiKeyReq
class  RemoveConfiguredRestServicesReq
class  RemoveLinkedUserReq
class  RemoveRestServicesReq
class  RemoveSocialAccountReq
 remove a social account from user's profile More...
class  RemoveUserSchedule
class  Repetition
class  RequestExternalGraphAction
class  RereadQuotaDataTablesReq
class  ResetQuotaPeriod
 reset quota counting period; quota type must be resettable; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges More...
class  RestApiYodiUpDescriptor
class  RestAuthReq
class  RestAuthRsp
class  RestFormattedConfigParam
class  RestParameterDescriptor
class  RestServiceDescriptor
class  RestServiceInfoNotificationInfo
class  RestServiceInitDescriptor
class  RestServiceRoute
class  RestServiceRsp
class  RestServiceStatics
class  RevisionInfo
class  RichTextDescriptor
class  SampleGraphDescriptorNotificationInfo
class  SaveGraphOptionsReq
class  SaveGraphOptionsRsp
class  ScanReq
class  ScanRsp
class  ScheduleInfo
class  ScheduleNotificationInfo
class  ServiceNodeDescriptor
class  SetAlertPercentage
 set new Percentage value that should trigger an event if crossed More...
class  SetAlertPercentageForAllQuota
 set new Percentage value for all quota that should trigger an event if crossed More...
class  SetDefyQuotaFlag
 set or reset DefyQuotaLimits flag; If targetNkey is null, setting applies to full target User; If it's set and valid, the setting will apply to specific node; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges More...
class  SetQuotaCurrentValue
 force set value for current quota period; quota type must be resettable; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges More...
class  SetQuotaFlags
 set quota flags that are changeable; values of non-changeable flags are ignored; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges More...
class  SetQuotaLimit
 set new quota limit; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges More...
class  SetQuotaPeriodTimespan
 set new quota period timespan; quota type must be resettable; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges More...
class  SetUserSettings
class  SetUserSettingsRsp
class  ShareActionReq
 Share Action sub-request More...
class  ShareActionRsp
 Share Action Response class. Each ShareThingsRsp message contains the same number of these as in the ShareThingsReq message it is responding to, and each ShareActionRsp.Id corresponds to a ShareActionReq.Id More...
class  SharedGraphConfigReq
class  SharedGraphConfReq
class  SharedGraphConfRsp
class  SharedGraphNecessaryThings
 Necessary things in shared graph in order to be functional. More...
class  ShareGraphActionReq
class  ShareGraphReq
class  ShareNotification
 Notification message; may inform about: More...
class  ShareNotifyMsg
 Share notification message: sends one or more notifications about sharing events: More...
class  ShareThingsReq
 Multiple share action requests. More...
class  ShareThingsRsp
 Response to a ShareThingsReq message More...
class  SingleFileResp
class  SipAccount
class  SocialAccountRsp
class  SocialAccountsRsp
class  StorageReplaceReq
class  StorageUploadReq
class  StorageUploadResp
class  TestAddRestServiceReq
class  ThingDescriptor
class  ThingDescriptorsQueryReq
class  ThingNotificationInfo
class  ThingSetStateReq
class  ThingShareInfoDescriptor
class  ThingTypeDescriptor
class  TimezoneHelpers
class  TokenResponse
class  UnpairNodeReq
 used for unpairing a node More...
class  UnRegisterUserKey
class  UpdateGroup
class  UpdateLinkedUserReq
class  UpdateThingReq
class  uploadCallback
class  UploadFilesResp
class  UploadRequest
class  UserConstantRequest
class  UserConstantsRsp
class  UserDescriptor
class  UserFacebookDescriptor
class  UserFacebookInfoNotificationInfo
class  UserGmailDescriptor
class  UserGraphExceptionNotificationInfo
class  UserGsheetsDescriptor
class  UserHangoutsDescriptor
class  UserHangoutsInfoNotificationInfo
class  UserInfo
 User Information More...
class  UserInfoResponse
class  UserIrcDescriptor
class  UserIrcInfoNotificationInfo
class  UserLoginReq
class  UserLoginRsp
class  UserLyncDescriptor
class  UserLyncInfoNotificationInfo
class  UserMessage
class  UserOptions
class  UserQuotaDescriptor
class  UserSipDescriptor
class  UserSipInfoNotificationInfo
class  UserSkypeDescriptor
class  UserSkypeInfoNotificationInfo
class  UserSocialAccountsDescriptor
class  ValidateBlockConfigurationRsp
class  ValidationResDescriptor
class  ValidationResultDescriptor
class  WarlockAPI
class  WarlockApiMsg
 Base class of an API message, from which all message classes inherit More...
class  WebSocketMsg
 Websocket protocol wrapper. Inherits from base WrapperMsg, adds Id and Subid More...
class  WorkerEventNotification
class  WrapperMsg
 Wrapper class mainly for providing synchronization services to sync-less protocols (mqtt, websockets, etc) More...
class  YThingNotificationInfo
class  YThingTypeNotificationInfo


enum  eApiKeyType { Rest = 0, Linked_To_Node = 1, BearerToken = 2, Warlock = 3 }
enum  eRecurrence { Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly }
enum  ReminderType { Single, Multiple }
enum  eDocumentationContentType { Text, HTML, XML, CommonMark }
enum  ePrivilegeLevel {
  Guest = 0, User, PartialReadAdmin = 10, PartialWriteAdmin = 11,
  YodiReadAdmin = 99, YodiQuotaAdmin = 100, YodiWriteAdmin = 101
enum  eUserPrivilegeLevel { None, ReadOnly, WriteOnly, All }
enum  eAllowedUserRole { None = 0, Production = 1 << 0, Staging = 1 << 1, DevMirror = 1 << 2 }
enum  eNodeDescriptorReqThingsOrdering {
  None = 0, NodeName, Name, PortsCount,
  ThingKey, Type, Hierarchy, Shared
enum  eShareActionType {
  eShareActionType.Share, eShareActionType.Unshare, eShareActionType.Ask, eShareActionType.AskAll,
  eShareActionType.Deny, eShareActionType.Enable, eShareActionType.Disable
 Sharing Action type More...
enum  eFoundThingsAction { None = 0, ShareAskAll = 1, UseMine = 2 }
enum  eGraphActionType : byte {
  Invalid = 0, eGraphActionType.Deploy = 1, eGraphActionType.Undeploy = 2, eGraphActionType.Validate = 3,
  eGraphActionType.Load = 4, eGraphActionType.Save = 5, eGraphActionType.Replace = 6, eGraphActionType.Copy = 7,
  eGraphActionType.Update = 8, eGraphActionType.Import = 9, eGraphActionType.Export = 10, eGraphActionType.Remove = 11,
  eGraphActionType.Info = 12, eGraphActionType.MacroBlockUIHints = 13, eGraphActionType.Share = 14, eGraphActionType.ExportAsMacroBlock = 15,
  eGraphActionType.Publish = 16, eGraphActionType.SaveOptions = 17, eGraphActionType.FolderAdd = 18, eGraphActionType.FolderRemove = 19,
  eGraphActionType.ValidateBlockConfiguration = 20
enum  eNodeDescriptorReqOrdering {
  None = 0, Name, NodeKey, Status,
  Type, Capabilities, Permissions, ThingsCount
enum  ThingAction { None, Hide, UnHide, Delete }
enum  RouteRequest { Default, LoadGraph }
enum  eLiveExecutionEventType { None, Solve, PortStates }
enum  eLiveListenerType {
  None, Blocks, Graphs, Ports,
enum  EventMsgType {
  Connection = 0, Notifications, AuthKey, BlockAction,
  UserTrace, LiveExecutionCtrl, LiveExecutionBlockEvent, LiveExecutionPortEvent,
  ThingNameUpdate, ThingShared, ThingUnshared, SampleGraphsRemoved,
  PortEventMsg, IncidentReport, UserGraphException, ThingSharePending,
  LogoutUser, UpdateUser
enum  UpdateInfo {
  None = 0x0, Name = 0x1, Config = 0x2, Tags = 0x4,
  State = 0x8, Icon = 0x10, Type = 0x20, Hierarchy = 0x24,
  All = 0x40
enum  eDatabaseInfoReqType {
enum  UserPenaltyAction { None, Ban, UnBan }
enum  eUserMessageType { Info, Warning, Error, Exception }
enum  eUserConstantRequest {
  None, Add, Remove, Update,
enum  eBlockEntity { Generic, Thing, Group, Macro }
enum  eQuotaType : byte {
  BytesIn, BytesOut, BytesIO, EventsIn,
  EventsOut, EventsIO, ApiKeysInUse, Obsolete_ApiKeysTimesUsed,
  DeployedGraphs, Nodes, Things, Integrations,
  EmailsSent, TotalEmails, Databases, Storage
enum  eQuotaFlags {
  None = 0, MonotonicallyIncreasing = 1 << 0, NonResettable = 1 << 1, Informational = 1 << 2,
  NoAutoUpdates = 1 << 3
enum  eRestParameterType {
  Cookie = 0, GetOrPost = 1, UrlSegment = 2, HttpHeader = 3,
  RequestBody = 4, QueryString = 5
 values taken from RestSharp.ParameterType More...
enum  eRestServiceAuthTypes { None, OAuth1, OAuth2, BasicAuthentication }
enum  eRestRouteTypes : int {
  None = 0, FirstAuth = 1 << 0, SecondAuth = 1 << 1, TokenRefresh = 1 << 2,
  AuthorizedApiCall = 1 << 3, UnauthorizedApiCall = 1 << 4, GetRequestToken = 1 << 5
enum  eRestServiceRouteMethod {
  GET = 0, POST = 1, PUT = 2, DELETE = 3,
  HEAD = 4, OPTIONS = 5, PATCH = 6, MERGE = 7
 values taken from RestSharp.Method More...
enum  eRichTextDescriptorLanguageDescriptor { csharp, sql, text, javascript }
enum  eNodePermissions : int {
  eNodePermissions.NoPermissions = 0, eNodePermissions.AllowUserQueries = 1 << 0, eNodePermissions.AllowGraphCtrl = 1 << 1, eNodePermissions.AllowSharingCtrl = 1 << 2,
  eNodePermissions.AllowPermissionCtrl = 1 << 3, eNodePermissions.AllowCrossNodeMsgs = 1 << 4, AllPermissions = AllowUserQueries | AllowGraphCtrl | AllowSharingCtrl | AllowPermissionCtrl | AllowCrossNodeMsgs
 Permissions for Yodiwo Nodes set by the User More...
enum  eNodeStatus { Unknown, Offline, Online, Maintenance }
 Status of Node More...
enum  eNodeFlags {
  None = 0, eNodeFlags.Disabled = 1 << 0, eNodeFlags.DefiesQuotaLimits = 1 << 1, eNodeFlags.NonPlegma = 1 << 2,
  eNodeFlags.ServiceNode = 1 << 3
 Node Flags (settings) More...
enum  NodeUpdateAction { None, Name, Permissions }
 Type of update to perform on Node More...
enum  eConstantType { Generic, ConnectionString }

Enumeration Type Documentation


Explicit deploy action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey.


Explicit undeploy action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey.


Validate graph descriptor action. This request must include a GraphDescriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData.


Explicit load graph descriptor action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey.


Save graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData.


Replace graph request, must include GraphDescriptor in json GraphActionReq.JsonData and graph's GraphDescriptorKey that will be replaced


Copy graph to specific full path. This request must include:


Update graph's full path. This request must include:


Import graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData.


Explicit export graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey.


Explicit remove graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey.


Explicit graph info action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. Returns a GraphWrlkDescriptor GraphWrlkDescriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData.


Retrieve macro block's UI hints action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. Returns a MacroBlockUIHints in field GraphActionReq.JsonData.


Share graph request. This request must include:


Set BlockMgr as dirty so as to create the new block and stores macro block's information in BlockMgr. This request must include:


Explicit publish graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey.


Save graph's options action. This request must include:


Add folder action. This request must include:


Remove folder action.This request must include:


Validate block configuration action. This request must include a block descriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData. Returns a ValidateBlockConfigurationRsp in field GraphActionReq.JsonData.

Node Flags (settings)


node is disabled and will not be allowed to connect


node is allowed to cross its set quota limits. It will still adhere to the user-wide setting


special node cannot support the Plegma API and should not be sent relevant messages


special external microservice node

Permissions for Yodiwo Nodes set by the User


no permissions granted to node; it cannot know of anything outside of itself


node is allowed to query info about its parent user over the Warlock API


node is allowed to query its parent user's workflows over the Warlock API


node is allowed to control Thing sharing for its parent user over the Warlock API


node is allowed to change permissions for other Nodes of its parent user over the Warlock API


node is allowed to send messages referring to Things of different Nodes (e.g. in Shell Node operation)

Status of Node

values taken from RestSharp.ParameterType

values taken from RestSharp.Method

Sharing Action type


Explicit share request, must include specific ThingKey and specific User Id to share to


Explicit unshare request, must include specific ThingKey and either a specific User Id to unshare from, or a broadcast UserKey in order to unshare from all


Get sharing info for specified ThingKey. Specific ThingKey must be provided (no broadcast keys allowed). If specific TargetUser is provided the response will inform whether Thing is shared with specific User (via the Yodiwo.API.Warlock.GenericRsp.IsSuccess field). If broadcast UserKey is provided and the requesting User is the Thing's Owner, then the response will provide an array of info about the Thing is currently shared to via Yodiwo.API.Warlock.ShareActionRsp.Info. A broadcast UserKey cannot be used to request the list of users for a Thing that doesn't belong to the requester.


Used to receive two Things lists:


Used to deny pending share or unshare request. Must include PendingToken and TargetUserToken


Used to (re)enable sharing for a specific Thing. Must include ThingKey and TargetUserToken.


Used to disable sharing for a specific Thing. Must include ThingKey and TargetUserToken.

Type of update to perform on Node