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Warlock API
Namespaces |
Enumerations | |
enum | eApiKeyType { Rest = 0, Linked_To_Node = 1, BearerToken = 2, Warlock = 3 } |
enum | eRecurrence { Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly } |
enum | ReminderType { Single, Multiple } |
enum | eDocumentationContentType { Text, HTML, XML, CommonMark } |
enum | ePrivilegeLevel { Guest = 0, User, PartialReadAdmin = 10, PartialWriteAdmin = 11, YodiReadAdmin = 99, YodiQuotaAdmin = 100, YodiWriteAdmin = 101 } |
enum | eUserPrivilegeLevel { None, ReadOnly, WriteOnly, All } |
enum | eAllowedUserRole { None = 0, Production = 1 << 0, Staging = 1 << 1, DevMirror = 1 << 2 } |
enum | eNodeDescriptorReqThingsOrdering { None = 0, NodeName, Name, PortsCount, ThingKey, Type, Hierarchy, Shared } |
enum | eShareActionType { eShareActionType.Share, eShareActionType.Unshare, eShareActionType.Ask, eShareActionType.AskAll, eShareActionType.Deny, eShareActionType.Enable, eShareActionType.Disable } |
Sharing Action type More... | |
enum | eFoundThingsAction { None = 0, ShareAskAll = 1, UseMine = 2 } |
enum | eGraphActionType : byte { Invalid = 0, eGraphActionType.Deploy = 1, eGraphActionType.Undeploy = 2, eGraphActionType.Validate = 3, eGraphActionType.Load = 4, eGraphActionType.Save = 5, eGraphActionType.Replace = 6, eGraphActionType.Copy = 7, eGraphActionType.Update = 8, eGraphActionType.Import = 9, eGraphActionType.Export = 10, eGraphActionType.Remove = 11, eGraphActionType.Info = 12, eGraphActionType.MacroBlockUIHints = 13, eGraphActionType.Share = 14, eGraphActionType.ExportAsMacroBlock = 15, eGraphActionType.Publish = 16, eGraphActionType.SaveOptions = 17, eGraphActionType.FolderAdd = 18, eGraphActionType.FolderRemove = 19, eGraphActionType.ValidateBlockConfiguration = 20 } |
enum | eNodeDescriptorReqOrdering { None = 0, Name, NodeKey, Status, Type, Capabilities, Permissions, ThingsCount } |
enum | ThingAction { None, Hide, UnHide, Delete } |
enum | RouteRequest { Default, LoadGraph } |
enum | eLiveExecutionEventType { None, Solve, PortStates } |
enum | eLiveListenerType { None, Blocks, Graphs, Ports, All } |
enum | EventMsgType { Connection = 0, Notifications, AuthKey, BlockAction, UserTrace, LiveExecutionCtrl, LiveExecutionBlockEvent, LiveExecutionPortEvent, ThingNameUpdate, ThingShared, ThingUnshared, SampleGraphsRemoved, PortEventMsg, IncidentReport, UserGraphException, ThingSharePending, LogoutUser, UpdateUser } |
enum | UpdateInfo { None = 0x0, Name = 0x1, Config = 0x2, Tags = 0x4, State = 0x8, Icon = 0x10, Type = 0x20, Hierarchy = 0x24, All = 0x40 } |
enum | UserPenaltyAction { None, Ban, UnBan } |
enum | eUserMessageType { Info, Warning, Error, Exception } |
enum | eUserConstantRequest { None, Add, Remove, Update, Get } |
enum | eBlockEntity { Generic, Thing, Group, Macro } |
enum | eQuotaType : byte { BytesIn, BytesOut, BytesIO, EventsIn, EventsOut, EventsIO, ApiKeysInUse, Obsolete_ApiKeysTimesUsed, DeployedGraphs, Nodes, Things, Integrations, EmailsSent, TotalEmails, Databases, Storage } |
enum | eQuotaFlags { None = 0, MonotonicallyIncreasing = 1 << 0, NonResettable = 1 << 1, Informational = 1 << 2, NoAutoUpdates = 1 << 3 } |
enum | eRestParameterType { Cookie = 0, GetOrPost = 1, UrlSegment = 2, HttpHeader = 3, RequestBody = 4, QueryString = 5 } |
values taken from RestSharp.ParameterType More... | |
enum | eRestServiceAuthTypes { None, OAuth1, OAuth2, BasicAuthentication } |
enum | eRestRouteTypes : int { None = 0, FirstAuth = 1 << 0, SecondAuth = 1 << 1, TokenRefresh = 1 << 2, AuthorizedApiCall = 1 << 3, UnauthorizedApiCall = 1 << 4, GetRequestToken = 1 << 5 } |
enum | eRestServiceRouteMethod { GET = 0, POST = 1, PUT = 2, DELETE = 3, HEAD = 4, OPTIONS = 5, PATCH = 6, MERGE = 7 } |
values taken from RestSharp.Method More... | |
enum | eRichTextDescriptorLanguageDescriptor { csharp, sql, text, javascript } |
enum | eNodePermissions : int { eNodePermissions.NoPermissions = 0, eNodePermissions.AllowUserQueries = 1 << 0, eNodePermissions.AllowGraphCtrl = 1 << 1, eNodePermissions.AllowSharingCtrl = 1 << 2, eNodePermissions.AllowPermissionCtrl = 1 << 3, eNodePermissions.AllowCrossNodeMsgs = 1 << 4, AllPermissions = AllowUserQueries | AllowGraphCtrl | AllowSharingCtrl | AllowPermissionCtrl | AllowCrossNodeMsgs } |
Permissions for Yodiwo Nodes set by the User More... | |
enum | eNodeStatus { Unknown, Offline, Online, Maintenance } |
Status of Node More... | |
enum | eNodeFlags { None = 0, eNodeFlags.Disabled = 1 << 0, eNodeFlags.DefiesQuotaLimits = 1 << 1, eNodeFlags.NonPlegma = 1 << 2, eNodeFlags.ServiceNode = 1 << 3 } |
Node Flags (settings) More... | |
enum | NodeUpdateAction { None, Name, Permissions } |
Type of update to perform on Node More... | |
enum | eConstantType { Generic, ConnectionString } |
strong |
Enumerator | |
Deploy |
Explicit deploy action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. |
Undeploy |
Explicit undeploy action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. |
Validate |
Validate graph descriptor action. This request must include a GraphDescriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData. |
Load |
Explicit load graph descriptor action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. |
Save |
Save graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData. |
Replace |
Replace graph request, must include GraphDescriptor in json GraphActionReq.JsonData and graph's GraphDescriptorKey that will be replaced |
Copy |
Copy graph to specific full path. This request must include:
Update |
Update graph's full path. This request must include:
Import |
Import graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData. |
Export |
Explicit export graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. |
Remove |
Explicit remove graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. |
Info |
Explicit graph info action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. Returns a GraphWrlkDescriptor GraphWrlkDescriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData. |
MacroBlockUIHints |
Retrieve macro block's UI hints action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. Returns a MacroBlockUIHints in field GraphActionReq.JsonData. |
Share |
Share graph request. This request must include:
ExportAsMacroBlock |
Set BlockMgr as dirty so as to create the new block and stores macro block's information in BlockMgr. This request must include:
Publish |
Explicit publish graph action. This request must include a GraphDescriptorKey in field GraphActionReq.GraphDescriptorKey. |
SaveOptions |
Save graph's options action. This request must include:
FolderAdd |
Add folder action. This request must include:
FolderRemove |
Remove folder action.This request must include:
ValidateBlockConfiguration |
Validate block configuration action. This request must include a block descriptor in field GraphActionReq.JsonData. Returns a ValidateBlockConfigurationRsp in field GraphActionReq.JsonData. |
strong |
Node Flags (settings)
Enumerator | |
Disabled |
node is disabled and will not be allowed to connect |
DefiesQuotaLimits |
node is allowed to cross its set quota limits. It will still adhere to the user-wide setting |
NonPlegma |
special node cannot support the Plegma API and should not be sent relevant messages |
ServiceNode |
special external microservice node |
strong |
Permissions for Yodiwo Nodes set by the User
Enumerator | |
NoPermissions |
no permissions granted to node; it cannot know of anything outside of itself |
AllowUserQueries |
node is allowed to query info about its parent user over the Warlock API |
AllowGraphCtrl |
node is allowed to query its parent user's workflows over the Warlock API |
AllowSharingCtrl |
node is allowed to control Thing sharing for its parent user over the Warlock API |
AllowPermissionCtrl |
node is allowed to change permissions for other Nodes of its parent user over the Warlock API |
AllowCrossNodeMsgs |
node is allowed to send messages referring to Things of different Nodes (e.g. in Shell Node operation) |
strong |
Status of Node
strong |
values taken from RestSharp.ParameterType
strong |
values taken from RestSharp.Method
strong |
Sharing Action type
Enumerator | |
Share |
Explicit share request, must include specific ThingKey and specific User Id to share to |
Unshare |
Explicit unshare request, must include specific ThingKey and either a specific User Id to unshare from, or a broadcast UserKey in order to unshare from all |
Ask |
Get sharing info for specified ThingKey. Specific ThingKey must be provided (no broadcast keys allowed). If specific TargetUser is provided the response will inform whether Thing is shared with specific User (via the Yodiwo.API.Warlock.GenericRsp.IsSuccess field). If broadcast UserKey is provided and the requesting User is the Thing's Owner, then the response will provide an array of info about the Thing is currently shared to via Yodiwo.API.Warlock.ShareActionRsp.Info. A broadcast UserKey cannot be used to request the list of users for a Thing that doesn't belong to the requester. |
AskAll |
Used to receive two Things lists:
Deny |
Used to deny pending share or unshare request. Must include PendingToken and TargetUserToken |
Enable |
Used to (re)enable sharing for a specific Thing. Must include ThingKey and TargetUserToken. |
Disable |
Used to disable sharing for a specific Thing. Must include ThingKey and TargetUserToken. |
strong |
Type of update to perform on Node