▼NYodiwo | |
▼NAPI | |
►NWarlock | |
►NPrivate | |
CAccountInfoTimelineInfo | |
CApiKeyInfoTimelineInfo | |
CBinaryResourceDescriptorTimelineInfo | |
CGetTimelineDescriptorsReq | |
CGetTimelineDescriptorsRsp | |
CGraphDescriptorTimelineInfo | |
CGroupInfoTimelineInfo | |
CNodeInfoTimelineInfo | |
CQuotaTimelineInfo | |
CThingTimelineInfo | |
CTimelineDescriptor | |
CTimelineDescriptorKey | Globally unique identifier of a TimelineDescriptor |
CTimelineDescriptorKeyConverter | |
CTimelineDescriptorsQuery | |
CTimelineInfo | |
CUserTimelineInfo | |
CWarlockAuthenticationRequest | WarlockAuthenticationRequest: used as request from the Warlock server for the negotiation with a WarlockClient |
CWarlockAuthenticationResponse | WarlockAuthenticationResponse: used as response from the WarlockClient so as to authenticate itself to the WarlockServer |
CWarlockDisplayAttribute | |
CWarlockHandlerAttribute | |
CWarlockNotExposedHandlerAttribute | |
CWarlockPermissionAttribute | |
CActiveNodeDescriptor | |
CAddConfiguredRestService | |
CAddFriendReq | |
CAddNewLinkedUserReq | |
CAddNotificationReq | |
CAddPortRule | |
CAddResourceDescriptorRequest | |
CAddRestServiceReq | |
CAddSocialAccount | |
CAddThingIntoGroupsReq | |
CAddThingReq | |
CAddThingsIntoGroupReq | |
CAddUserSchedule | |
CApiKeyDescriptor | |
CApiKeyRsp | |
CAssemblyHook | |
CAssignSipAccount | |
CBanUnBanUserReq | ban/unban a user (requires WriteAdmin privileges) |
CBinaryResourceDescRsp | |
CBlockActionReq | |
CBlockPresenceReq | |
CBookmarkableLoadRoute | |
CBRDUploadReq | |
CChangeAccountLevel | change user's account level; requires WriteAdmin privilege level |
CChangeDebugLevelReq | |
CChangeGraphThrottlingLevelReq | change user's graph throttling level; requires WriteAdmin privilege level |
CChangePrivilegeLevel | change user's privilege level; requires WriteAdmin privilege level |
CChangeSmtpPasswordRequest | change global smtp password (requires special privileges) |
CClearQuotaFlags | clear quota flags that are changeable; values of non-changeable flags are ignored; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges |
CClearRestServicesReq | clear all services from a user (requires WriteAdmin privileges) |
CConfiguredRestServiceDescriptor | |
CConfiguredRestServiceRsp | |
CConfigureUserMetadataReq | |
CConfigureUserTimezoneReq | |
CConstantDescriptor | |
CConstantDescriptorHelper | |
CCreateApiKeyReqForOAuth | |
CCreateApiKeyRsp | |
CCreateGmailAccountReq | |
CCreateGraphRsp | |
CCreateGroupRsp | |
CCreateNewGroup | |
CCreateNotificationUserReq | |
CCreateSnapshotReq | |
CCreateUserApiKeyInfo | |
CCreateValueTriggerGraphEvent | |
CCreateWatchdogGraphEvent | |
CDashboardGraphsResponse | |
CDatabaseActionReq | |
CDatabaseInfo | |
CDatabaseInfoDescriptor | |
CDatabaseInfoDescriptorCommon | |
CDatabaseMultiActionReq | |
CDatabaseMultiActionRsp | |
CDatabaseUserInfoDescriptor | |
CDeleteDescriptorRequest | |
CDeleteFriendReq | |
CDeleteNotificationUserReq | |
CDeleteThingGroupReq | |
CDeleteUploadedFileReq | |
CDeleteUserReq | delete a user (requires WriteAdmin privileges) |
CDeployedGraphRevRsp | |
CDeployResponse | |
CDescriptorsQueryReq | |
CDocumentationWrlkDescriptor | |
CEjectUserReq | eject a user (requires WriteAdmin privileges) |
CEmailRequest | |
CEnableDisableApiKey | |
CEnumerateSaveandDeployedGraphsReq | get the number of saved and deployed graphs |
CEventDateTime | |
CEvGraphsUndeployedDueToGroupRemoval | |
CEvGraphsUndeployedDueToThingRemoval | |
CEvNewBackendNotification | |
CEvNewFrontendNotification | |
CEvNewNotification | |
CEvSampleGraphsRemoved | |
CEvThingCommon | |
CEvThingConfigUpdated | |
CEvThingNameUpdated | |
CEvThingShared | |
CEvThingSharePending | |
CEvThingUnshared | |
CExternalServiceBlockAddOrUpdate | |
CExternalServiceBlockDelete | |
CExternalServiceBlockKeyListing | |
CExternalServiceBlockListingResp | |
CFileDescriptor | |
CGcmMsg | Gcm message encapsulation class. |
CGenerateGraphFromSwaggerAPI | get swagger api definition from url or json file and generate a graph with some initial api implementation |
CGenericRsp | General Response to request-type messages. Used to unblock requests waiting for responses that are of basic ACKnowledge type |
CGenericValue | |
CGenericValueST | |
CGetAllApiKeysReq | |
CGetAllConfiguredRestServicesReq | |
CGetAllImagesReq | get all uploaded images |
CGetAllNotificationsReq | |
CGetAllPortKeys | |
CGetAllPortKeysRsp | |
CGetAllPorts | |
CGetAllPortsRsp | |
CGetAllRestServicesReq | |
CGetAllUserDescriptorsReq | get all available users, either online or offline; requires ReadAdmin privilege level |
CGetAllUserDescriptorsRsp | |
CGetBinaryResourceDesciptorsRequest | |
CGetBlockDescriptorforBlockType | get block descriptor for a blocktype |
CGetBlockDescriptorforGroupReq | |
CGetBlockDescriptorforThingReq | |
CGetBlockDescriptorRsp | |
CGetBlockPresenceInGraphsReq | |
CGetDatabaseInstancesReq | get all available database descriptors of a database user |
CGetDatabasesInfoReq | get all available user's database descriptors |
CGetDatabasesInfoRsp | |
CGetDatabasesUsersInfoReq | get all available databases' user descriptors |
CGetDatabasesUsersInfoRsp | |
CGetDatabaseUsersInstancesReq | get all available user descriptors of a database |
CGetFirstAuthUrlReq | |
CGetFirstAuthUrlRsp | |
CGetFriendsReq | |
CGetFriendsRsp | response to GetFriendsReq |
CGetImageReq | |
CGetLinkedUserDescriptors | |
CGetLinkedUsersReq | |
CGetMacroBlockDescriptorReq | |
CGetMacroBlockIOsInfoReq | |
CGetNewGroupsForThingReq | |
CGetNewThingsForGroupReq | |
CGetNodeDescriptorsReq | |
CGetNotificationsRsp | |
CGetNotificationUsersReq | |
CGetNotificationUsersRsp | |
CGetPortReq | |
CGetPortResp | |
CGetPortRulesRsp | |
CGetRestServiceDescriptorFromSwaggerAPIReq | Get rest service descriptor from swagger api definition. The request can contain an url or json |
CGetRestServiceDescriptorFromSwaggerAPIRsp | |
CGetRichTextDescriptorReq | |
CGetRichTextDescriptorRsp | |
CGetSharedThingsReq | |
CGetSharedThingsRsp | |
CGetSocialAccountsReq | get user's social accounts descriptors(i.e facebook, hangouts, gmail |
CGetThingGraphsInfoReq | Graph info (GraphWrlkDescriptor ) about deployed graphs that this Thing is assigned to. |
CGetThingGraphsInfoRsp | |
CGetThingGroupReq | |
CGetThingKeyReq | |
CGetThingKeyRsp | |
CGetThingsReq | Get user things. |
CGetThingsRsp | Get Things response as a dictionary of node keys to lists of Things |
CGetThingTypesReq | |
CGetThingTypesRsp | |
CGetToolboxModelViewReq | get toolbox modelview |
CGetToolboxModelViewRsp | |
CGetUpdatedUserDescRsp | |
CGetUserDescriptorReq | |
CGetUserDescriptorRsp | |
CGetUserIdReq | get id from a user (requires ReadAdmin privileges) |
CGetUserInfoRsp | response to a GetUserInfoReq |
CGetUserMessagesReq | get user messages; |
CGetUserMessagesRsp | |
CGetUserQuotaReq | get quota for user; if target user different than asking user, it requires QuotaAdmin privilege level and upwards |
CGetUserQuotaRsp | |
CGetUserSchedule | |
CGetUserSchedules | |
CGetUserTokensReq | |
CGetUserTokensRsp | response to a GetUserTokensReq |
CGrafanaSnapshotCreateResponse | |
CGraphActionReq | |
CGraphActionRsp | |
CGraphActionsReq | |
CGraphActionUpdateReq | |
CGraphDescriptorAndGroupNotificationInfo | |
CGraphDescriptorAndThingNotificationInfo | |
CGraphDescriptorNotificationInfo | |
CGraphSharedNotificationInfo | |
CGraphWrlkDescriptor | |
CGroupDescriptor | |
CGroupsRsp | |
CLinkApiKeytoNode | |
CLinkedUserDescriptor | |
CLiveExecutionAddListeners | |
CLiveExecutionEvent | |
CLiveExecutionRemoveListeners | |
CLiveKeysAddMsg | |
CLiveKeysDelMsg | |
CLiveValue | |
CLiveValuesMsg | |
CLoadFilesReq | |
CLoadFilesResp | |
CLoadGraphByFriendlyName | |
CLoadGraphsReq | |
CLoadGraphsResp | |
CMacroBlockIOInfo | |
CMacroBlockIOsInfo | |
CMqttMsg | Mqtt message encapsulation class. |
CMultiGraphActionRsp | |
CMultipleThingActionReq | |
CMultipleThingActionRsp | |
CMyHackingRsp | Just for Demo purposes (creating on-the-fly scenarios via node) |
CNodeCreateReq | Add node |
CNodeCreateRsp | |
CNodeDescriptor | |
CNodeDescriptorsRsp | |
CNodeDisableReq | |
CNodeEnableReq | |
CNodeInfoModelDescriptor | |
CNodeInfoNotificationInfo | |
CNodePairingCompetionRsp | |
CNodePairingCompleteReq | complete pairing procedure |
CNodePairingModelView | |
CNodePairingRecoverNodesReq | recover an already paired node |
CNodePairingRecoverRsp | |
CNodeStatusRsp | |
CNodeUpdateReq | |
►CNotificationDescriptor | |
CToastrDescriptor | |
CNotificationDescriptorKey | Globally unique identifier of a NotificationDescriptor |
CNotificationDescriptorKeyConverter | |
CNotificationDescriptorRelatedObject | |
CNotificationMarkAllAsRead | |
CNotificationMarkAsRead | |
CNotificationofDeployedGraph | |
CNotificationUserDescriptor | |
COAuth | auxiliary class for OAuth stuff |
COAuthClientInfo | |
COAuthGetTokenResponse | |
COAuthRestParameters | |
CPackagesReq | |
CParkUserReq | remove a user from memory (requires WriteAdmin privileges) |
CPortConfigurationReq | |
CPortDescriptor | |
CPortInformation | |
CPortRule | |
CQuotaDescriptor | |
CQuotaNotificationInfo | |
CRecoveredNodesModelView | |
CRegisterUserKeyReq | |
CRegisterUserKeyRsp | |
CRemoveApiKeyReq | |
CRemoveConfiguredRestServicesReq | |
CRemoveLinkedUserReq | |
CRemoveRestServicesReq | |
CRemoveSocialAccountReq | remove a social account from user's profile |
CRemoveUserSchedule | |
CRepetition | |
CRequestExternalGraphAction | |
CRereadQuotaDataTablesReq | |
CResetQuotaPeriod | reset quota counting period; quota type must be resettable; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges |
CRestApiYodiUpDescriptor | |
CRestAuthReq | |
CRestAuthRsp | |
CRestFormattedConfigParam | |
CRestParameterDescriptor | |
CRestServiceDescriptor | |
CRestServiceInfoNotificationInfo | |
CRestServiceInitDescriptor | |
CRestServiceRoute | |
CRestServiceRsp | |
CRestServiceStatics | |
CRevisionInfo | |
CRichTextDescriptor | |
CSampleGraphDescriptorNotificationInfo | |
CSaveGraphOptionsReq | |
CSaveGraphOptionsRsp | |
CScanReq | |
CScanRsp | |
CScheduleInfo | |
CScheduleNotificationInfo | |
CServiceNodeDescriptor | |
CSetAlertPercentage | set new Percentage value that should trigger an event if crossed |
CSetAlertPercentageForAllQuota | set new Percentage value for all quota that should trigger an event if crossed |
CSetDefyQuotaFlag | set or reset DefyQuotaLimits flag; If targetNkey is null, setting applies to full target User; If it's set and valid, the setting will apply to specific node; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges |
CSetQuotaCurrentValue | force set value for current quota period; quota type must be resettable; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges |
CSetQuotaFlags | set quota flags that are changeable; values of non-changeable flags are ignored; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges |
CSetQuotaLimit | set new quota limit; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges |
CSetQuotaPeriodTimespan | set new quota period timespan; quota type must be resettable; requires at least QuotaAdmin privileges |
CSetUserSettings | |
CSetUserSettingsRsp | |
CShareActionReq | Share Action sub-request |
►CShareActionRsp | Share Action Response class. Each ShareThingsRsp message contains the same number of these as in the ShareThingsReq message it is responding to, and each ShareActionRsp.Id corresponds to a ShareActionReq.Id |
CShareInfo | Share info returned from eShareActionType.Ask requests |
CSharedGraphConfigReq | |
CSharedGraphConfReq | |
CSharedGraphConfRsp | |
CSharedGraphNecessaryThings | Necessary things in shared graph in order to be functional. |
CShareGraphActionReq | |
CShareGraphReq | |
CShareNotification | Notification message; may inform about: |
CShareNotifyMsg | Share notification message: sends one or more notifications about sharing events: |
CShareThingsReq | Multiple share action requests. |
CShareThingsRsp | Response to a ShareThingsReq message |
CSingleFileResp | |
CSipAccount | |
CSocialAccountRsp | |
CSocialAccountsRsp | |
CStorageReplaceReq | |
CStorageUploadReq | |
CStorageUploadResp | |
CTestAddRestServiceReq | |
CThingDescriptor | |
CThingDescriptorsQueryReq | |
CThingNotificationInfo | |
CThingSetStateReq | |
CThingShareInfoDescriptor | |
CThingTypeDescriptor | |
CTokenResponse | |
CUnpairNodeReq | used for unpairing a node |
CUnRegisterUserKey | |
CUpdateGroup | |
CUpdateLinkedUserReq | |
CUpdateThingReq | |
CuploadCallback | |
CUploadFilesResp | |
CUploadRequest | |
CUserConstantRequest | |
CUserConstantsRsp | |
CUserDescriptor | |
CUserFacebookDescriptor | |
CUserFacebookInfoNotificationInfo | |
CUserGmailDescriptor | |
CUserGraphExceptionNotificationInfo | |
CUserGsheetsDescriptor | |
CUserHangoutsDescriptor | |
CUserHangoutsInfoNotificationInfo | |
CUserInfo | User Information |
CUserInfoResponse | |
CUserIrcDescriptor | |
CUserIrcInfoNotificationInfo | |
CUserLoginReq | |
CUserLoginRsp | |
CUserLyncDescriptor | |
CUserLyncInfoNotificationInfo | |
CUserMessage | |
CUserOptions | |
CUserQuotaDescriptor | |
CUserSipDescriptor | |
CUserSipInfoNotificationInfo | |
CUserSkypeDescriptor | |
CUserSkypeInfoNotificationInfo | |
CUserSocialAccountsDescriptor | |
CValidateBlockConfigurationRsp | |
CValidationResDescriptor | |
CValidationResultDescriptor | |
CWarlockApiMsg | Base class of an API message, from which all message classes inherit |
CWebSocketMsg | Websocket protocol wrapper. Inherits from base WrapperMsg, adds Id and Subid |
CWorkerEventNotification | |
CWrapperMsg | Wrapper class mainly for providing synchronization services to sync-less protocols (mqtt, websockets, etc) |
CYThingNotificationInfo | |
CYThingTypeNotificationInfo | |