class | AdvancedInfoTip |
| AdvancedInfoTip More...
class | AssetInfo |
| AssetInfo, Sends the ID and name of clicked asset ({"Id": "AssetId", "Name": "AssetName"}) More...
class | AssetsInfo |
| AssetsInfo is a dictionary More...
class | AssetTracker |
| AssetTracker, the AssetTracker widget outputs a floorplan containing gateways and assets. The widget has two input and two output JSON string ports More...
class | BarChart |
| The Bar chart widget takes data from port in json format. BarChart More...
class | Body |
| Body More...
class | Chart |
| Chart, Base class of Chart, from which all chart classes inherit More...
class | CVRegion |
class | CVViewer |
| CVViewer, the CV Viewer widget handles data from 5 ports named Image, MS Face, Heatmap, SetRegions and SetItems More...
class | CVViewerItem |
class | CVViewerItemTransformation |
class | DataSet |
| DataSet More...
class | DatetimeSettings |
| Settings for the datetime items. More...
class | DoughnutChart |
| The Doughnut chart widget takes data from port in json format. DoughnutChart More...
class | ExtendedDataSet |
| ExtendedDataSet More...
class | FaceAttributes |
| FaceAttributes More...
class | FaceRectangle |
| FaceRectangle More...
class | FacialHair |
| FacialHair More...
class | Feature |
| Feature More...
class | FeatureProperties |
| FeatureProperties More...
class | FeaturePropertiesMarker |
| FeaturePropertiesMarker More...
class | Footer |
| Footer More...
class | GatewayInfo |
| GatewayInfo, Sends the ID and name of clicked gateway ({"Id": "GatewayId", "Name": "GatewayName"}) More...
class | GatewaysInfo |
| GatewaysInfo is a dictionary More...
class | Gauge |
| Gauge, gauge widget provides a decimal input port More...
class | GeoJSON |
| The map widget is based on OpenStreetMaps and can consume GeoJSON data. GeoJSON More...
class | Geometry |
| Geometry More...
class | Grid |
| Grid More...
class | Header |
| Header More...
class | Heatmap |
| Heatmap More...
class | Highlight |
| Highlight, the GaugeLabel widget has 2 ports. An integer input port and string output port. More...
class | ImageViewer |
| ImageViewer, the Image viewer widget has a single input string port. A valid image URL is expected. More...
class | InfoTipItem |
| InfoTipItem More...
class | IUserInput |
| Interface for having interactive items. More...
class | KnobGauge |
| KnobGauge, the Knob widget has 2 ports. An integer input port and string output port. More...
class | LabelGauge |
| LabelGauge, the GaugeLabel widget has 2 ports. An integer input port and string output port. More...
class | LayerInfo |
| LayerInfo More...
class | LinearGauge |
| LinearGauge, the Linear gauge widget has a single decimal input port. More...
class | LineChart |
| LineChart More...
class | Markdown |
| Markdown More...
class | MSFace |
| MSFace More...
class | PercentageGauge |
| PercentageGauge, the Percentage gauge widget provides a decimal input port to be used as output from graphs. More...
class | PieChart |
| PieChart More...
class | PlayingSource |
| PlayingSource More...
class | PolarAreaChart |
| The Polar Area chart widget takes data from port in json format. More...
class | RadialGauge |
| RadialGauge, the Radial gauge widget has a single decimal input port. More...
class | Tile |
| Tile, the tile widget is used for displaying basic info and highlighting numbers or stats. More...
class | Timeline |
| Timeline expects an array of JSON elements More...
class | Timeseries |
| Timeseries More...
class | TimeSeries |
| TimeseriesChart, the Timeseries widget expects a number. When new data is received, the line is updated. More...
class | TimeseriesSavedChart |
| TimeseriesSavedChart is a List<Timeseries>,The Timeseries (with saved data) chart widget takes an array of JSON elements. More...
class | VideoPlayer |
| VideoPlayer is a List<PlayingSource>, PlayingSource the Video player widget supports html5 video formats More...