UserCode Cyan API  v1
Class library available inside Yodiwo's Cyan C# blocks
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.AssetInfoAssetInfo, Sends the ID and name of clicked asset ({"Id": "AssetId", "Name": "AssetName"})
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.AssetTrackerAssetTracker, the AssetTracker widget outputs a floorplan containing gateways and assets. The widget has two input and two output JSON string ports
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.ChartChart, Base class of Chart, from which all chart classes inherit
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.BarChartThe Bar chart widget takes data from port in json format. BarChart
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.DoughnutChartThe Doughnut chart widget takes data from port in json format. DoughnutChart
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.PolarAreaChartThe Polar Area chart widget takes data from port in json format.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.CVViewerCVViewer, the CV Viewer widget handles data from 5 ports named Image, MS Face, Heatmap, SetRegions and SetItems
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.DatetimeSettingsSettings for the datetime items.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.GatewaysInfoGatewaysInfo is a dictionary
 CDictionary< string, List< AssetInfo >>
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.AssetsInfoAssetsInfo is a dictionary
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.GatewayInfoGatewayInfo, Sends the ID and name of clicked gateway ({"Id": "GatewayId", "Name": "GatewayName"})
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.GaugeGauge, gauge widget provides a decimal input port
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.KnobGaugeKnobGauge, the Knob widget has 2 ports. An integer input port and string output port.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.LabelGaugeLabelGauge, the GaugeLabel widget has 2 ports. An integer input port and string output port.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.LinearGaugeLinearGauge, the Linear gauge widget has a single decimal input port.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.PercentageGaugePercentageGauge, the Percentage gauge widget provides a decimal input port to be used as output from graphs.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.RadialGaugeRadialGauge, the Radial gauge widget has a single decimal input port.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.GeoJSONThe map widget is based on OpenStreetMaps and can consume GeoJSON data. GeoJSON
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.HighlightHighlight, the GaugeLabel widget has 2 ports. An integer input port and string output port.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.ImageViewerImageViewer, the Image viewer widget has a single input string port. A valid image URL is expected.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.CVViewerItem.ImgSettingsImage settings
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.IUserInputInterface for having interactive items.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.TimeseriesSavedChartTimeseriesSavedChart is a List<Timeseries>,The Timeseries (with saved data) chart widget takes an array of JSON elements.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.VideoPlayerVideoPlayer is a List<PlayingSource>, PlayingSource the Video player widget supports html5 video formats
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.CVViewerItemTransformation.OffsetTransformation's offset
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.TileTile, the tile widget is used for displaying basic info and highlighting numbers or stats.
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.TimelineTimeline expects an array of JSON elements
 CYodiwo.Api.UserCode.TimeSeriesTimeseriesChart, the Timeseries widget expects a number. When new data is received, the line is updated.