Plegma API  v2
Yodiwo.API.Plegma.ThingKey Struct Reference

Globally unique identifier of a Thing More...

Inheritance diagram for Yodiwo.API.Plegma.ThingKey:

Public Member Functions

 ThingKey (NodeKey nodeKey, string thingId)
 ThingKey (NodeKey nodeKey, uint subNodeId, uint spikeId)
 ThingKey (string str)
void FillFromString (string input)
override string ToString ()
string ToStringEx ()
bool Equals (ThingKey other)
bool Equals (ref ThingKey other)
override bool Equals (object obj)
override int GetHashCode ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool CheckValid (NodeKey nkey, string tid)
static implicit operator ThingKey (string str)
static implicit operator string (ThingKey key)
static ThingKey ConvertFromString (string stringValue)
static string BuildFromArbitraryString (string nodeKey, string thingUIDPrefix, int subNodeId, uint spikeId)
static string BuildFromArbitraryString (string nodeKey, string ThingUID)
static bool operator== (ThingKey left, ThingKey right)
static bool operator!= (ThingKey left, ThingKey right)

Public Attributes

NodeKey NodeKey
string ThingUID
bool _IsValid
const char NodeModuleIdSeparator = ':'

Static Public Attributes

static readonly string SpikeSeparator = "/"
static DictionaryTS< string, ThingKeycache_String2Key = new DictionaryTS<string, ThingKey>()


UserKey UserKey [get]
bool IsValid [get]
bool IsInvalid [get]
bool IsVirtual [get]
bool IsSpikeTKey [get]
uint SubnodeId [get]
uint SpikeThingId [get]
string SubnodeKey [get]
ThingKey SubnodeKeyAsTkey [get]
string NodeModule [get]

Detailed Description

Globally unique identifier of a Thing

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